Monday, October 25, 2010

Day12...........I Can Fit Into My Jeans!!!!!!!!

Last weekend we had family pictures taken, I knew what everyone was wearing shirt wise and that the boys were wearing jeans and so was Katie, Maxine had on a brown dress, and I was going to wear a sweater to match the girls. But when it came to pants I didn't know what to wear. I had been living in my sweats literally for weeks. I had gotten really comfy in them.  So the night before pictures I started to try on pants all different ones, and to my surprise not one pair fit me at all. I couldn't even button up my jeans. I was devastated I had nothing to fit me at all, and because I was "never going to be that size again" I gave away all my bigger size clothes. I ended up wearing a pair of stretchy jean capris, thank goodness it was warm when we took the pictures.

This morning when I got up and went to get dressed, I saw my jeans laying on the chair that I had put them on the week before and thought I would just try to see if I had lost anything at all this week, as I do not have a scale yet and have just been really watching what I eat. So I  went over and put them on. they felt really tight going on but i got them all the way up and now it was time to see If I could "try" to do them up. I did it!!!!!!!! I did up the button and zipped them up. The week before I couldn't even get the button close to the hole to to do them up and today I did it. It made me feel so good about myself. The jeans are way too tight for me to wear right now but I give it a couple of weeks and I will be wearing them again.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 5

Today is day 5 of  me getting back on track, I have been corn-free for five whole days now, and I must say I am feeling so much better, getting back to my old self, I am not so tired, and sluggish, my belly is not sore and bloated, and I am feeling so much more happier. I have been using my food journal, and keeping track of everything I eat. I  have stayed in my fat and calorie range, and have even been having desert at night! I find if I keep my "dessert" at the end of the day after the kids are in bed and I can settle down and relax without 5000 "mommy, mommy", then I feel like its my little reward for a job well done at the end of the day. this weeks reward dessert is Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin Cookies a recipe that I have created  a couple of years ago. Each cookie contains 67 calories and 1.25 grams of fat. Depending on how many calories I have left at the end of the day I can usually eat 2 or 3 of these little things. And what kind of person would I be if I didn't share this recipe, so here it is:

Sam's Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin Cookies

2 eggs
1 1/2 cups of apple sauce
1 tsp Baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp Vanilla
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup honey
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
5 cups oatmeal
1 cup chocolate chips ( I use mini chips  your guaranteed  a couple chips in every cookie)
1 cup raisins

Mix together eggs, apple sauce, brown sugar, honey,vanilla,salt, cinnamon, and baking soda together, next stir in flour until well combined, then add in oatmeal and then both chocolate chips and raisins. scoop out one level tablespoon worth of dough per cooking and place on baking sheet with parchment paper, or use a non-stick baking pan . Bake for 8-10 min at 350C. This recipe makes 83 cookies.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Confession

I suffer from depression. A lot of it has to do with my corn allergy, or "intolerance" because if your not having trouble breathing because your throat is closing or if you are not breaking out in hives then you only have an intolerance so the doctors say which is a bunch of $*%&. I have to admit that over the last few months I have not been as careful to look at what I am eating, and it has effected me emotionally and physically. My stomach is always bloated and sore, and I have been feeling down, and angry at the world around me. Its time for me to get it together again. I need a fresh start.

I have gained about 10-15 lbs (wow did I just say that out loud?.....that was hard to admit but I am glad I did!) over the summer especially in the last few weeks before school started for my kids, I ate a lot of things I shouldn't and I diffidently threw moderation out the window.Portion control whats that? Clearly I just didn't care about myself. I was lazy and useless to myself and children and thats not fair to them or myself. I stopped exercising, haven't ran even though my Planter Fasciitus, has heeled and the humidity has been lower, and the weather has been perfect and beautiful. I have come up with every excuse in the book not to help myself.

So now that I have confessed now what? Well small steps will be happening starting tonight out comes the measuring spoons and cups, I need to buy a new kitchen scale (mine broke in the spring) Out will come my food journal and pencils, the calculator and old recipes, and my creative mind to make up new ones. I will be drinking lots of water ( I forget to drink and often have to force myself to drink something) dusting off my Turbo Jam DVDs and weights, hitting the pavement with my oldest child, and putting myself first. This for me will and is the hardest part for me to do, putting myself first. It has to be done.